
Melissa Hughes
Jul 19, 20234 min read
Hedonic Adaptation: Why Money Won't Buy Happiness
Maybe you've dreamed about how happy you'd be winning the lottery. Think again. Research shows that happiness isn't a sure bet.

Melissa Hughes
Jul 7, 20232 min read
6 Foods to Supercharge Your Brain
Can certain foods make you smarter? Science says yes! The brain is fueled by the nutrients we eat, and some give us a cognitive advantage.

Melissa Hughes
Jun 7, 20233 min read
Why You Should Take that Beach Vacation
There is a wealth of scientific evidence that spending time in nature has a host of mental and physical benefits. Now, recent cutting-edge

Melissa Hughes
May 31, 20232 min read
The Emotion that Protects Relationships from Stress
Recent research shows that there is one emotion that protects relationships against the normal stresses and strains of relationships.

Melissa Hughes
Jan 13, 20234 min read
Building Resilience to Bounce Back from Adversity
What makes some people fall apart and give up while others are able to bounce back stronger than ever? The answer may surprise you!

Melissa Hughes
Jun 24, 20223 min read
Inquiring Minds are Smarter... and Happier!
Whether you define happiness as a state of being or an emotion, research shows that our happiness is directly correlated with curiosity.

Melissa Hughes
Mar 16, 20224 min read
We're Better Together
At a time when everything feels upside down, we're more disconnected than ever. Times like these we need to connected the most.

Melissa Hughes
Dec 22, 20213 min read
The Science Behind the Smile
Countless studies demonstrate that a simple smile significantly influences the way we are perceived by others, and it changes the brain.

Melissa Hughes
May 27, 20212 min read
The Secret to Rewire a Happier, Smarter Brain
Recognizing when and how negative thoughts steal your focus is the best way to rewire your brain for the positive thoughts that enable bette

Melissa Hughes
Dec 31, 20203 min read
6 Ways to Slay your Afternoon Slump
We've all experienced the 3 PM slump. Before you head to Starbucks, there are some simple ways to beat it and slay the day like a boss!

Melissa Hughes
Nov 4, 20202 min read
Why Laughter Really IS the Best Medicine
The curative power of laughter and joy as it counters the effects of stress may be one of the great medical discoveries of our time!

Melissa Hughes
Aug 11, 20205 min read
6 Simple De-Stress Strategies
We all know that stress is bad for us physically and mentally. Calm your mind and reduce anxiety in minutes with these simple strategies.

Melissa Hughes
Aug 10, 20203 min read
This is why we LOVED Grumpy Cat
Research shows that warm fuzzy images of animals and babies can make us happier, increase our resilience to stress and prime our brains for

Melissa Hughes
Aug 10, 20202 min read
A 60-Second Brain Hack for a Competitive Edge
New research shows the vagus nerve can not only help up pump the brakes on stress but also give us a cognitive competitive advantage.

Melissa Hughes
Aug 5, 20203 min read
Your Brain on Chocolate
Research shows that chocolate can help us cheer up, chill out, and get a little smarter. But be warned: All chocolate is not equal.

Melissa Hughes
Jul 6, 20205 min read
Stop Stress Eating and Crush Those Crazy Cravings
When we’re stressed, the brain thinks it needs extra fuel to fight the stress . Cue the cravings and the extra pounds.

Melissa Hughes
May 27, 20203 min read
Feeling Lonely is More Than a Feeling
With Americans more physically isolated now because of coronavirus stay-at-home orders, loneliness is the second pandemic.

Melissa Hughes
May 26, 20204 min read
When the Silver Linings Tarnish
It’s hard to keep going when our brains are constantly pumping out stress hormones and on high alert.

Melissa Hughes
May 20, 20202 min read
4 Ways to be More Mindful in Less Than a Minute
Are you interested in mindfulness meditation, but not sure if you have the know-how or the time? Mindfulness doesn’t have to be time-consumi