Melissa Hughes
Sep 24, 20233 min
Storytelling Changes our Brain and our Behavior
Do you think a scientist could predict how generous someone is likely to be simply from examining brain chemistry? Recent studies say YES!
Melissa Hughes
Mar 17, 20234 min
The Butterfly Effect of Kindness
The world is so deeply interconnected that we may never even know the impact of a small act of kindness. kindness matters.
Melissa Hughes
Mar 16, 20224 min
We're Better Together
At a time when everything feels upside down, we're more disconnected than ever. Times like these we need to connected the most.
Melissa Hughes
Dec 22, 20213 min
The Science Behind the Smile
Countless studies demonstrate that a simple smile significantly influences the way we are perceived by others, and it changes the brain.
Melissa Hughes
Sep 8, 20214 min
Are We Hardwired for Fairness? The Ultimatum Game Says We Are
Thanks to neural imaging technology, we know that the brain is neurologically wired to reject injustice and expect fairness.